
Waves of change

À propos

Waves of Change is a 200-year oral history of Quebec’s English-speaking communities, recorded on the 50th anniversary of the FLQ crisis. Five episodes feature families that arrived in Quebec during successive waves of immigration. The historical Anglos pre-1945 – Colliding Solitudes; post-war Allophones 1945-70 – Le Vote Ethnique; the turbulent years 1970-1995 – Classe d’accueil; the new social contract years 1995-2010 – Crashing the Party; and recent arrivals 2010-20 – Invisible Hoops. The 54 interviews feature remarkably diverse, engaging and articulate eyewitnesses of Quebec history from an Anglo perspective. A special 6th episode features English-speaking communities from the Eastern Townships and West Quebec to the Gaspé and the remote Lower North Shore. These little-known communities have a fascinating story to tell about Regional Realities in Quebec.

Prochaine(s) diffusion(s) :

Vendredi à 9h30
Dimanche à 9h
Lundi à 12h30
Mardi à 21h
Mercredi à 5h et 14h30


ELAN (English Language Arts Network)

ELAN (English Language Arts Network)

Show creator

The English-Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a not-for-profit organization that connects, supports, and creates opportunities for Quebec’s English-speaking artists and arts communities. ELAN members are individuals and organizations from a wide array of artistic disciplines, cultural and geographic backgrounds, and linguistic and cultural communities. ELAN is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support and advocate for their interests.

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Guy Rex Rodgers

Guy Rex Rodgers

Host and content producer

A graduate of the playwriting program at the National Theatre School of Canada, Guy Rex Rodgers has worked in film and television. He is also a musician and has recently performed in several editions of Tim Brady’s symphonies for 100 guitarists. A long-time arts activist, Guy Rex Rodgers was co-founder of the Quebec Drama Federation and the Quebec Writers’ Federation, was a member of the founding board of le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and was founding Executive Director of the English-Language Arts Network. In 2015 he was appointed to l’Ordre des arts et des lettres du Q

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